Sunday, May 31, 2020

Idiocracy 2.0: Covidiocracy

CDC motto according to Forbes Magazine:
Saving Lives, Protecting People

CDC motto according to Baroness Scylla:
Covidiocracy Über Alles

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ode to Allen Ginsberg

I'd rather eat a radish
Than read one word of "Kaddish"*


*Scylla is being frivolous here, as she has always had the utmost regard for Mr. Ginsberg (may he rest in peace). And, while "Kaddish" - also known as "Kaddish for Naomi Ginsberg (1894–1956)" - may be one of his more forgettable works, the literary world will forever be indebted to him for his magnificent, precedent-setting masterpiece "Howl". But more significantly, he was the only American to visit disgraced French author Ferdinand Destouches in Paris after WWII !! During Vichy France, Destouches, whose literary pseudonym was Céline, had broadcast a radio program with co-host Philippe Cousteau (Jacque's brother!) telling the Israelites to leave France, they were not wanted. (Please note: Mr. Ginsberg made this visit IN SPITE OF the fact that he was himself israelitish). Mr. Ginsberg WAS ALSO THE ONLY AMERICAN to visit Ezra Pound, another famous littérateur-turned-broadcaster who retired to Italy when they let him out of St. Elizabeth's hospital. Q.E.D. - Enid Evenson Haddow de Burke, Literary Advisor to the Queen

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ode to Western Civilization

The three pillars of Western Civilization -
Leonardo da Vinci
William Shakespeare

All gay!

(No disrespect to Anne Hathaway)*


* This irregular ode does use rhyme, yet, with consummate calculation, avoids both the three-part form of the Pindaric ode, and the two- or four-line stanza of the Horatian ode.

Rather, it comes to an epodic climax rhyming the monosyllabic "gay" with the trisyllabic "Hathaway".

Strophe and antistrophe be damned!

- Enid Evenson Haddow de Burke, Literary Advisor to the Queen

Friday, May 15, 2020

Ode to Opening Up

"Ode to Opening Up"

Rhymes with Jeffrey Epstein
Covers the bases

Underage - take stage
Tell Charles to alert the Queen
Open the heavens ye outer spaces!

Tell Elon Musk he can relax

Sunday, May 10, 2020

George Soros Call to the Governor of North Dakota

Stay safe
Shelter in place
Take the Ovid test

Be mute
Wear a mask
Fargo delenda est


Saturday, May 9, 2020


Haccination is a marvelous thing.
While the ventilated choke
I let freedom ring

Friday, May 8, 2020

Ode to Propaganda

Dedicated coniunctim to Edward Bernays, Joseph Goebbels, and William Henry Gates III

Everthing's better
With a sonnet on it.*

*This cleverly veiled reference to the toxic nature of the industrial petroleum derivatives used in manufacturing Blue Bonnet(TM) margarine, a lethal pseudo-food, and to the emphatically unpoetic nature of plague politics in 21st century human history, is, as always, more succinctly and, if I do say so, more aggressively expressed by the exalted Baroness Scylla, than by any of her competitors, inhabiting as she does a sphere all her own - untouched, unchallenged by wordsmiths of inferior station.
    - Enid Evenson Haddow de Burke, Literary Advisor to the Queen