Friday, September 18, 2009

Scylla In WWWonderland Introduction

Book One
[Publisher's Note: This is a Working Edition]

Scylla In WWWonderland

An Epic Poem, Comprised of Cantos, Annotated,
Edited and Introduced by Enid Evenson Haddow de Burke,
Literary Advisor to the Queen


Certain Individuals are born with special talents, some so rare as to not appear on this dusky bauble upon which we silently perch more than once in a century. Herein is presented a new Master-Work from just such an Anointed One, an Authoress of already searing world-wide renown - Baroness Scylla vom und zu Karybdis.

I commend her heartfelt, and astonishing, wisdom and words to you all.

- Enid Evenson Haddow de Burke
Literary Advisor to the Queen