Saturday, February 17, 2018

Ode to Gore Vidal II

Remembering Gore I say
Dux, ducat, dueño

American royalty
For the Gayhedrin, life-long loyalty
In terms recherché -

La Vidal fuera sueño


Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Salute of the Scribes

The Salute of the Scribes
As translated from ancient sources
by Baroness Scylla vom und zu Karybdis DBE*

Dedicated to George Soros

Ceaselessly through the ages do we labor
Setting quill after quill remorselessly to paper
Thoughts, emotions, the weight of the World upon us -

Morituri te poetamus


EDITORS NOTE: Enid Evenson Haddow de Burke, Literary Advisory to the Queen, Editor Emerita

*This most sacrosanct of appellatives, "Daughter-Regnal of the British Empire", is relatively unknown at the present time to the common person. Begun secretively during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a mere 32 women of august station have been so honored to the present day, Baroness Scylla being the most recent investitee. - Enid