Friday, December 28, 2007

Oddment for June 17, 2007:

Halfway through my life is the year where I'm at
There isn't any other year quite like that
I'm not a new-born babe
And I don't have one foot in the grave
I'm just in a mid-life crisis where
24/7/365 I feel like an over-looked knave...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Remember the old days

When you were young
And had fun?

Went to the beach
And baked like a betelnut
In the sun?

Ate your breakfast
On the run?

What of the books
That have come and gone away
Like Clay Shaw's "A Message From Khufu"
What did that have to say

Or "Germany's National Vice"
If only I - or George Soros -
Could obtain a copy
That would be so nice...

O Tempora! O Mores!
How rarely is ANY scene
Played to the HILT

Behold the Thermidorean tumbrils!


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Soros Agonistes

by an Anonymous Scribe

"Beyond verisimilitude
The whole Drama begins
An intricate Tragedy
Filled with trivial and vulgar persons
First among them
A self-important fat cheesehead..."

(To be continued.)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Let's go for the gold:

What T. Sedgwick said when he dialed 911:

"911 - any messages?"

[I was there - he always has the people at 911 falling off their chairs with laughter. How does the man do it? Or, rather, WHY does he do it? - Scylla]

Monday, October 8, 2007

Book idea sure to rocket its author to fame and set records on the New York Times bestsellers list(!):

"I Supersized La Popessa: How I Stalked the World's Most Reclusive Billionaire and Made Millions Doing It", by T. Sedgwick

[Scylla here - Oddly, Trevor insists that little sing-song "I Supersized La Popessa" is worth $20,000,000! Is he dreaming? Of course, maybe we should all resist a rush to judgment until we buy the book and find out just WHO HE'S TALKING ABOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And why is he saying the book will be published in every country on earth EXCEPT SWITZERLAND? Hmmm... I think I'm going to re-read "Heidi"...]

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Some light froth:

How do you hoist a Poetaster
By his own petard?
Simple -
Just rhyme "Hunks of Abalone"
With "Heloise and Abelard"!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A little bit of nonsense:

Usufruct is an unusual word
Use it in verse?
You could do worse!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Memo to God

Dear [Pope] Bernard:

I have chosen yours, among all the firms
To pass on these glad tidings

- - - MEMO TO GOD - - -

Heavenly Father - If I may
This I pray
Where on EARTH
. . .
Have you been HIDING?

Signed: Sc.

From "The Collected Memos to God" of Scylla vom und zu Karybdis